Amma on the Role of Trust in Anxiety
I decided to share with you today some comments Amma made about anxiety. She gave this message about the time we were studying the First Ray. The First Ray is about following the Will of God. When we are in perfect trust of God’s Will, there is no anxiety. When there is trust in God, there is no need to worry. We become anxious because we don’t believe things will work out the way we want.
If you’re like me, you have those times you wonder if God really knows what God is doing. Then I move into my heart, take some deep breaths and turn everything over to God… again.
Amma’s Message
Hello, my dear ones. I am Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. And I am your mother. When you made the decision to separate from the oneness to experience the illusion of individuality, you rested in my womb to get ready for your first incarnation. You are always in my womb. You never leave. I use the term “womb” symbolically as the safe place you reside to become ready for your next incarnation. I have some comments about anxiety.
Being anxious about the future means that you are not in a place of trust. There is no reason to be anxious when you trust. What or who do you trust? Trust that your life is progressing as it is to be. Trust that you are experiencing what is important for you to experience. Trust that Spirit is with you every step of the way.
Trust does not mean you are free from difficult events in life. Trust means you hold steady where you are, do what you can, and release yourself to Spirit when there is nothing you can do. Trust means you stay within your Heart Source.
Trust is not a place of inactivity. Trust is an active process of allowing. You allow life to occur. You allow yourself to act upon your wisdom, knowledge and intuition. Trust is easy when all is going according to your plan. Trust is difficult is when your plans are in disarray. This is when trust allows you to wait with patience for things to unfold. Trust requires the greatest activity during what you call the most difficult of times.
Know that when you are anxious you are not in a place of trust. When you pull yourself out of your anxiety you can ask yourself about how much you trust the Oneness, Source, the Creator, and how much you trust your Soul Self to support you during the difficult times.
When you come in touch with the area of mistrust within you, then you have an opportunity for healing and expansion. You have multitudes of times in this lifetime which have resulted in mistrust. Consider those times you prayed for a particular outcome and it did not happen. You may be someone who believes you have done everything right and have not attained your desires. Then there are those who suffered great injury or great loss and feel betrayed.
It is human nature to feel betrayed or let down by others. You come to believe that your trust in Spirit or other people has been unfounded. You decide you are the only one you can depend upon. Then you discover you can’t depend upon yourself to make the correct choices. There is no one to trust and anxiety enters your life. The answer is to heal, to refocus, to expand and to trust.
Dr. Cathy’s Comments
Trust is a major issue for all of us. When you work to be self-reliant, it’s often difficult to switch to relying upon God. The difficulty is knowing how to rely upon God. Does that mean waiting? Taking action? Waiting for a sign of heaven? When anxious, when in fear, it’s difficult to make decisions with clarity. Stay in your heart so you can listen to the small, still voice within you.
There is definitely something to think about here about trust and anxiety. Thank you for this.
Good advice! And it’s a good thing to keep in mind, that in any moment you are feeling anxious, the answer is to reach for trust.