Life is Difficult: A Deeper Perspective

Why is Life Difficult?The Road in Life is Difficult

Years ago I was reading the book. The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck. It was first published in 1978. The opening line of chapter 1 has remained with me for all these years: Life is difficult. The rest of the book went on to explain that if we would just accept this fact and quit getting upset that life is difficult, then life would be easier.

Today I’m reflecting on the premises of The Road Less Traveled from the perspective of Amma the Divine Mother’s teachings.

I said I was going to talk about Amma’s teachings and the first person I’m going to mention is the Buddha. The Buddha taught that it was our resistance to what is that results in suffering. That is essentially what Peck was teaching when he exhorted his readers to accept that life is difficult.

From the perspective of Amma’s teachings I want to discuss why life is difficult and what you can do about it in addition to acceptance. (This is a multi-part series.)

The why is because you created your life to be as difficult as it is right now. I’m not talking about creating your life in the moment. We all make boneheaded choices which have made things more difficult than they need to be. I’m talking about how we planned this life, this very lifetime, before we incarnated.

We Planned Life to Be Difficult

Planning LifeWe had a plan of what we wanted to experience in this lifetime. Ultimately we all wanted to experience some aspect of love. We can experience love by having it or by not having it. It’s the details of how we plan that experience which makes each of our lives different and, in fact, makes our personalities different.

You, on the soul level, had choices of what you wanted to experience in this lifetime. You took into account all of your past lifetimes and what you wanted to experience in your future lifetimes. Those lifetimes, even those which are in the future, were developed to bring you to a particular goal in your exploration.

Let’s say you plan to go on a long journey. You could go on that journey without a particular location goal by saying I’m gonna go where I feel like going, when I feel like going. You make a choice to travel in an unstructured, unplanned way. But you do set some parameters around your journey. Your mode of travel is one of those parameters. Another may be exploring the United States, and then Europe, and then Asia, and then Africa, then South America, then Australia and finally the Antarctic before you return home. Your ultimate goal may be to explore all the continents.

Your Soul Self has the ultimate goal of explorations of love. All lifetimes are about exploring the many facets of love. You explore love in every conceivable way: as male, female or trans; gay, straight or bi; married, unmarried, committed relationships, uncommitted relationships, a hermit; as a saint and as a sinner and in any other combination you can think of.

You did not incarnate to do nothing in this lifetime. You certainly didn’t want to be bored and the only thing to prevent boredom is to add excitement and challenges. You, in consultation with your Council, made definite choices. Although you engaged in consultation you made the ultimate decisions about what to experience.

You Made Choices

choicesYou chose your family, how that family was going to relate to each other and to you, and your relationship with your family members. Yes, you chose challenges which in this incarnation you call abuse. You chose to be loved or not loved.

Recognition that you are living the life you created before you incarnated is a deeper form of acceptance. Accepting things as they are is one form of acceptance, and a very powerful step in coming to peace. When you accept that you created your life as it is, and that it is going according to the plan that you made before you entered that body in your mother’s womb, you have come to a place of the acceptance of personal responsibility on the soul level. You have moved from looking at your life with a very narrow viewpoint of things happening to you randomly to the perspective that nothing is random. You are living the life you wanted to live, that you planned to live.

I’d like you to read that last paragraph again.

I’d like you to notice the feelings surfacing regarding that last paragraph.

Do you feel hopeless, powerless, or do you have a feeling of ahh, that’s what’s happening, a feeling of relief?

Many people, when reading for the first time that they created this life exactly as they wanted it to be before they ever incarnated have a feeling of powerlessness. Let me tell you, you planned that also.

Does that mean you have no power to change anything?

Your Script

your scriptWhat if somebody approached you and told you they wanted you to be the star in their movie? They tell you you are the ideal person for this role. All you have to do is follow the script she gave you and follow the cues the director gives.

I don’t know if you’ve ever auditioned for a play or movie, but I’m sure you understand the concept of audition. A number of people read from the script and place their own interpretation upon those words. The director then selects the individual he or she believes interprets the words according to the way the director desires.

In this life, the one you planned, you have a script. While you are living that script you have the opportunity to interpret that script in many different ways. I believe that newer souls, those who have not had as much experience in incarnations, follow the script exactly. Those who are older souls are given some leeway in improvisation. You might have built-in to your script some options. Instead of planning that you would marry this particular person, you built in options of whether to marry or not marry. You might have built in if-then statements. If you choose this line of work then you’ll marry this person, but if you choose that line of work you won’t get married.

Exploring this life that you are living is an adventure. There are many ways to engage in this adventure. You may think that there is no use in investigating and discovering what life holds or you if you planned everything in advance. You know that script I told you the director gave you? He didn’t give you the whole script. You’ve completely forgotten what it is you planned to experience. You discover it as you go along. Where’s the fun and knowing every step in advance?

Next post I’ll talk about the possibilities you have built into your script.

In the meantime, if you want to be sure you know when the next messages posted, sign up by clicking the button. Or you can just check back in a week or so.


Have fun living your script.

A Process to Heal Relationships

Healing Relationships: Part 4

Cathy: This is Part 4 of a message Amma gave us back in April 2011. If you haven’t read the other blog posts, scroll down. They are in order of the most recently published which makes them in reverse order of the message. That means Part 3 is under this one and then Part 2 under that and so on for Part 1. If you would like to read this in order you need to scroll down to Part 1.

This section is the longest . It contains a process using the chakras to heal relationships. This can be a relationship with yourself.


Healing of Wounds Means Moving from Low to High Vibration Feelings

Amma: Let us return to healing of relationship.

First, check that you are fully in your Heart Source. Are you there? Good.

By the way, you may find a pencil and paper helpful for this experience.

Cathy: Writing down your experiences will give you some insight into what is happening within you. It’s not mandatory but may be helpful.

Healing ChakrasAmma: We are going to be working with each of your chakras as well as with other parts of your energy field.

Connect with your Soul Self as well as with any spiritual energies you wish. This could be angels, guides, even the energy of God that is meaningful to you. Set your intention for healing and ask for support and guidance from the spiritual connection most important to you at this time. Yes, of course, I am always willing to work with you whenever you wish. Ask for assistance in remaining in your Heart Source.

Cathy: The Soul Self is what others call  Higher Self. Amma prefers to use Soul Self as it doesn’t sound hierarchical in nature. Your Soul Self is who you truly are. The name you use now is simply the persona of the role you are playing in this lifetime, similar to the role in a part in a play. (That is another message.)

Choose an event which resulted in you feeling wounded. I’d like you to choose one of your more difficult wounds. By difficult I mean something you continue to bring to mind and hold negative feelings. Each time you bring this event to mind you deepen the wound and strengthen the low vibration feelings. The event has moved from a one-time occurrence to a multi-battering of yourself.

Some of you may want to choose a relationship with a person rather than one specific event. Someone you once loved but are now in conflict would be such a relationship. That is fine as long as you have done self-healing of specific wounds related to this relationship.

Once you bring the event or relationship to mind, notice where you feel the energy of this event in your body. If you feel the energy in one of the seven major chakras, you will begin by working with that chakra. If you feel the energy in a specific part of your body, you will begin by working with the chakra closest to that part of your body. Don’t worry about being sure you choose the correct chakra to begin the process. It doesn’t really matter where you begin as you will do the process in each chakra. The reason I ask you to begin at the chakra where you feel the greatest amount of energy is because that is a good place to start. If you feel the energy all over you, or aren’t sure where you feel it, begin in the Heart Center.

Cathy: Amma is asking you to begin with the wound you are having the most difficulty letting go. This is often the wound which is negatively affecting your life the most. The poison from this wound is traveling through your system and affecting every other relationship you have, including the one with yourself and with Spirit. Be daring and choose the wound you resist releasing for whatever reason.

I will begin with the Heart Center, your center. (If you feel the energy in a different chakra, just glance down these instructions and find the chakra relevant to your experience.) I will alternate the clearing of the chakras in a way which will maintain balance while you are doing the clearing.

Let us begin.

Heart Center

Heart HealingAs you are recalling the event, breathe in and out of your Heart Center.

What feeling do you experience? Is it sadness, fear, betrayal, anger, envy, hatred, bitterness?

You could be experiencing any feeling. Just allow that feeling to come to the surface.

Acknowledge the feeling. For instance, if you feel betrayal, say, “Hello, betrayal.” When you do this you are separating the feeling of betrayal from yourself. You are not your feelings. Much of the time people’s experience is so intense, they begin to think they are anger, they are fear.

When you understand that you are not the feeling, that the feeling is something separate from you, it is easier to release. The feeling is like a piece of clothing you no longer want or need. You can simply release it by breathing it out of your body.

When you acknowledge the feeling you may feel a shift of the energy. Whatever you experience is correct. Ask betrayal (the feeling you’re working with), “Betrayal (the feeling) about what?” The answer to this question may, on the surface, appear self-evident. You, also, may be surprised at the answer you receive. You may be angry about something totally different than what you thought you were angry about. Jot down the information you receive.

Now speak to the feeling again, “Ahhhh, is there anything else I need to know?” Jot down your response.

Again ask, “Is there anything else?” Keep asking until there is nothing else.
Now tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, also exhale from the Heart Center imaging yourself blowing the feeling out of your Heart Center. Do this until the feeling is gone from your Heart Center.

Call upon your Encodement Technicians. Ask them to please remove all artificial Encodements from this event which are interfering with the perfect functioning of your Heart Center. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered natural Encodements from this event which are interfering with the perfect functioning of your Heart Center.

Now see the person involved in this event. If the person was you, see yourself. If it was one or more people, see them all gathered before you.

Connect with each one heart-to-heart. You do this by sending a beam of energy from your heart to their hearts. (Do this even if the person is not in the physical.)

Ask your chakras to spin. As you bring energy into your Heart Source, see that energy also going to the other person through your heart connection.

Now say to the other(s): “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know I am Love Incarnate. I know you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Allow yourself to feel gratitude for what happened. You can facilitate this by bringing to mind something for which you are grateful or feel appreciation. Once you have this feeling, bring to mind the event you’re releasing and repeat the statement, or one of your own.

Now say the following to yourself, “Wow, what an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Now call upon your Bodysoul. Don’t worry if you don’t know who that is. Your Bodysoul will come and do what you ask. “Please repair any damage done to my Heart Chakra by this event.”
Your Bodysoul is the soul of your body. You, your soul, is inhabiting the body. You are borrowing the body for this lifetime. Your Bodysoul keeps everything going in your body. It is in continual communication with your conscious and subconscious mind as well as with your body down to its most minute particles.

You now have all you need to know to continue the healing process. I won’t be interjecting until the end. — Cathy

You will now repeat this process with each of your chakras. Although one chakra may be damaged more than another by a life experience, all are affected in some way. This is why you will use this exact process for each chakra.

As you know, each chakra resonates in a specific way to various life experiences. For instance, the Heart Chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and physical aspects of yourself. When this chakra is damaged you will have difficulty remaining balanced, both physically and spiritually.

Damage in the heart center can result in blocking your spiritual connection to others. It can also lead to disconnecting the 3rd dimensional persona from the spiritual reality of who you are.

Third Chakra

Personal PowerLet’s move to healing the third chakra. Damage to this chakra interferes with your connection to your personal power, your connection to yourself. You may present a fade to the world of how strong you are. If this chakra is damaged, your inner world is not in alignment with to what you present outwardly.

Again, recall the event, breathe in and out of the third chakra, your solar plexus center.
What feelings are contained within – sadness, fear, betrayal, anger, envy, hatred, bitterness? Allow whatever you are feeling to come to the surface.

Acknowledge the feeling by greeting it as you did before. Say, “Hello, fear.” Remember, you are separating the feeling from yourself. You are not your feelings. Ask the feeling that surfaced, “(Feeling) about what?” Jot down what you receive. There is no right or wrong.

Ask the feeling, “Is there anything else I need to know?” Jot down your response. Continue asking for more information until you have gathered all you need. Once you feel complete, the feeling has served its purpose. There is no additional need for you to keep it within your body.
Now tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, also exhale from your solar plexus. Form an image of yourself blowing the feeling out of your body. Do this until the feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all artificial encodements from this event which are interfering with the perfect functioning of your third chakra. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered natural encodements from this event which are interfering with the perfect functioning of this chakra.

Now see the person or persons involved in this event in front of you. Connect with each one heart-to-heart. Ask your chakras to spin. As you bring in energy, see that energy, that light, also going to the other person through your heart connection.

Now say to the other(s): “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude. If need be, bring to mind something for which you are grateful or feel appreciation. Once you have this feeling, bring to mind the event you’re releasing and repeat the above statement.

Now declare to yourself, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Now ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my third chakra by this event.”

Throat Chakra

Throat ChakraWe will now move to the fifth chakra, the throat center. The fifth chakra is about speaking your truth. When this chakra is damaged you not only have difficulty speaking and living the truth of who you are, you also have difficulty making the difficult decisions that present themselves to you. Each decision you make is a declaration of who you are. Depending upon the damage to the throat center, you may have difficulty knowing what is truth for you.

Recalling the event, breathe in and out of the fifth chakra, your throat center.

What feelings are contained within? Ask the feelings to reveal themselves to you.

Greet the feeling so that you may separate yourself from the feeling. Ask for further information about the feeling, “(Feeling) about what?”

Ask for more information. Once you have all the information, the feeling has served its purpose. There is no additional need for you to keep it within your body.

Tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, release the energy of the feeling from your throat. Do this until the feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all Artificial Encodements from this event interfering with the perfect functioning of your throat center. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered Natural Encodements interfering with the perfect functioning of this chakra.

If you are not still connected heart-to-heart to those involved, do so now. Spin your chakras, sending energy from your heart to their heart through your heart connection.

Now say to the other(s): “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude. Now declare to yourself, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my throat chakra by this event.”

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra or sacral chakra is about your sense of power over your external world. When this chakra is damaged you can have difficulty attracting abundance, healthy relationships or other creations. You also may have difficulties with sexual intimacy. When this chakra is damaged there is a tendency to express your feelings of powerlessness through unhealthy addictions.

Recalling the event, breathe in and out of the second chakra, your sacral area mid-way between your navel and your pubic bone.

Ask the feelings contained in this chakra relevant to the event you have in mind to reveal themselves to you.

Greet the feeling so that you may separate yourself from the feeling. Ask for further information about the feeling, “(Feeling) about what?”

Ask for more information. Once you have all the information, it has served its purpose and it is time to release it.

Tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, release the energy of the feeling from your sacral area. Do this until the feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all Artificial Encodements from this event interfering with the perfect functioning of your second chakra. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered Natural Encodements interfering with the perfect functioning of this chakra.

If you are not still connected heart-to-heart to those involved, do so now. Spin your chakras, sending energy from your heart to their heart through your heart connection.

Now say to the other(s): “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude. Now declare to yourself, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my second chakra by this event.”
Brow Center

The sixth chakra is an entryway into amazing riches and information. When connected to your heart center by means of the Heart Source, you are able to evaluate the information you receive from any source. In addition, you tap into the ideas which come from the angels and guides working with you. Damage in this area can negatively affect the quality of your thoughts and ideas, as well as the implementation of your ideas.

Recalling the event, breathe in and out of the sixth chakra, your brow center.

Ask the feelings contained in this chakra relevant to the event you have in mind to reveal themselves to you.

Greet the feeling so that you may separate yourself from the feeling. Ask for further information about the feeling, “(Feeling) about what?”

Ask for more information. Once you have all the information, it has served its purpose and it is time to release it.

Tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, release the energy of the feeling from your brow area.

Do this until the feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all Artificial Encodements from this event interfering with the perfect functioning of your sixth chakra. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered Natural Encodements interfering with the perfect functioning of this chakra.
If you are not still connected heart-to-heart to those involved, do so now. Spin your chakras, sending energy from your heart to their heart through your heart connection.

Now say to the other(s): “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude. Now declare to yourself, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my sixth chakra by this event.”

First Chakra

We now move to your root chakra, at your tailbone. The first chakra is about your familial and social groupings. Damage to this chakra results in a separation from or resistance to being connected to your important groups (family, church, nation, city, organizations). The quality of your health and your desire to stay in your body is held in this chakra.

Recalling the event, breathe in and out of the first chakra.

Ask the feelings contained in this chakra relevant to the event you’ve been healing to reveal themselves to you.

Greet the feeling noticing that you are not this feeling. You are only holding it within your energy field. Ask for further information about the feeling, “(Feeling) about what?”

Ask for more information until you have what you need. Now you can release it with ease.
Tell the feeling, “Thank you for this information. I don’t need you anymore. You must leave now.”

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, release the energy of the feeling from your root chakra.

Do this until the feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all artificial encodements from this event interfering with the perfect functioning of your first chakra. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered natural encodements interfering with the perfect functioning of this chakra.

Most likely you still have the heart connection to those involved in this event. If not, connect heart-to-heart to those involved. Spin your chakras, sending energy from your heart to their heart through your heart connection.

Now say to them: “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude. Now declare to yourself, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my first chakra by this event.”

Crown Chakra

You now move to your connection to Spirit. This is also your connection to your Soul Self. When this chakra is wounded, you may be feeling depression, even despair. You may not know where you belong in this world. Of course, you may find it difficult to communicate with your Soul Self, angels, guides and Spirit.

I know you still have the event in mind. Do you notice how much easier it is to be with the event and those involved? Begin the healing by breathing in and out of the crown chakra.

Ask the feelings contained within to reveal themselves to you.

Now you are fully aware the feeling is not you. The feeling is a teacher. It holds information you need to know. Greet it and gather whatever information it has for you.

Thank the feeling for the information and tell it you don’t need it anymore. Now breathe it out of your crown chakra until the energy of this feeling is gone.

Ask your Encodement Technicians to please remove all artificial encodements from this event interfering with the perfect functioning of your seventh chakra. Ask them to repair all damaged and altered natural encodements interfering with the perfect functioning of your crown chakra.

Check your heart connection to those involved in the event. Spin your chakras, sending energy from your heart to their heart through your heart connection.

Now say to them: “Thank you for playing your role so perfectly in my life. I know that I am Love Incarnate. I know that you are Love Incarnate. I release us both from the negativity of my emotions regarding this event.”

Move into a place of appreciation and gratitude declaring, “What an amazing event I created. I had no idea I could create something with such intensity.”

Ask your Bodysoul, “Please repair any damage done to my crown chakra by this event.”
Good. When you are finished, take a deep breath, give thanks for your healing, and gently come back to your body.

I realize this is a fairly long process. If you don’t have time to do all seven chakras, you may clear one at a time if you wish. You will have a greater sense of the healing and power of this process
if you are able to do the entire process at one sitting.

My blessings to you, Dear Ones. You are so much more precious than you can imagine. As you work in healing yourself you will come to know the Truth that you are Love Incarnate.

I hope you benefited from doing this healing process. I do Group Encodement Intensives about once a month. We did an intensive on Relationships. If you would like to deepen your healing in all relationships, please go here and learn more.

The Light of the Night Sky of Sedona

It is 4:00 a.m100_0510_0126. here in the Sedona AZ. It’s strange to realize that almost everyone in Sedona and on the West coast is still in bed while those on the East coast are either awakening or will soon awaken for the beginning of their day.

I drifted asleep around 9:30 or 10:00 last night and then woke up at 2:00 a.m. I read an early book of Sylvia Brown’s for about an hour and then slid carefully down into the bed. Frick had crawled into my lap to sleep and, of course, I didn’t want to disturb him!

As I was waiting to sleep I spoke to my healing team and asked them to bring my vision and my hearing to optimum level so that I could see and hear without assistance.

I thought I would simply drift off, but, instead, had the urge to go out and look at the night sky. This was about 3:00 a.m.

I pulled on my jeans and a shirt and walked out. I couldn’t see much in the night sky. There is a pretty good amount of light at the resort where I live. I felt the urge to go back into my room and retrieve my Native American Flute then go out where there wasn’t as much light.

I didn’t have to go far, just down the sidewalk away from the lights of the resort. Then I looked up.

night-768636_1280This is a photo of a night sky somewhere, but not where I was. I can tell you there were stars galore. I hadn’t seen that many stars since I was a teenager at camp in Central Texas.

I played my flute for a few minutes. Words floated through my mind… “You need to put away the artificial light to be able to see the Light.”

We get so distracted by the “artificial light” and sounds all around us. The artificial which fills our senses shouts over the quiet Light and Voice of our inner voice. The artificial buffets us about. We can lose sight of where we are going. We forget to listen to the stillness which speaks to us.

I would have never seen the sky filled with stars, some of whom are no longer there, if I hadn’t ventured out into the night away from the artificial light.

We have to find a way to live in this world and still see, hear and listen to the voice of Spirit speaking to us. Spirit’s voice is so quiet it is easily drowned out by the artificial sights and sounds of our daily life.

Spirit’s voice is drowned out by our own thoughts which are determined to out-shout the voice of Spirit.

Isn’t it amazing that Spirit is infinite yet we are the ones who must be quiet to listen. Spirit doesn’t force. Spirit invites.

Years ago Amma began to reveal to us The Heart Source. Perhaps you have activated your Heart Source and live within it. When you are within your Heart Source you can better hear the voice of Spirit.

The Heart Source activates within us the Heart-Brain connection which in turn activates Encodements allowing us to enter more easily into being Centered and Grounded where we can Hear, we can See, we can Feel Spirit.

I’ve been asked to teach more about the activation of your personal power when you are living within your Heart Source.

I’ve put together a 10-week course, consisting of videos, meditations and coaching calls to assist you in imprinting (if you haven’t already) and using the power of your Heart Source.

I have invited you to watch some videos speaking more about The Heart Source. There have been technical problems which I hope are resolved.

Three of the videos are ready to be seen. You may find them at:

Living in your Heart Source is like walking out into the quiet of the night and discovering there were hidden more stars than  you can count.

I hope you find the videos helpful.

Don’t forget to go out into the night where there isn’t as much artificial light and see the stars which were hidden.

The Spirituality of Setting Goals

When January 1 rolls around people feel that they can begin again. They set New Year’s resolutions hoping that, this year, they’ll be able to accomplish what they’ve always wanted to accomplish.

Before you set these goals, and possibly set yourself up for failure, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this something you really want to do or something others are telling you you should do?
  • Is this desire coming from deep within yourself or is it coming from a sense of guilt or shame?
  • When you think about this goal do you feel energized and excited or do you feel oppressed and heavy?

Every day you are presented with new choices for your life. These choices are only visible if you live your life consciously, aware of the many possibilities you have before you. Every step you take contains the option of movement in a 360° range. The possibilities are endless.

Not all the opportunities presented to you in your life are appropriate for you. Your job is to discern what  possibilities available are those that match the motivation deep within your heart.

On a spiritual level it does not matter if you lose weight. True, your weight can determine how you feel on a physical and emotional level. This, however, is not as important as how much you love and appreciate yourself. If your love and appreciation of yourself is based upon how you look then there is healing to be done.

Spiritually it doesn’t matter how much money you make. Finances can have a direct effect upon how you view yourself and your sense of security in this world. What matters on a spiritual level is the gratitude you experience and have for wherever you are in your financial life. If you cannot experience gratitude for where you are now, no matter what your financial situation, then there is healing to be done.

The quality of your relationships has more to do with spirituality than any other aspect of your life. Spirituality is based upon your experience of connectedness to the world around you, physical and nonphysical. When you feel disconnected you are not in the flow of love. This flow has nothing to do with whether or not you have a life partner. This flow has everything to do with the love you have for yourself.

With these brief comments in mind reevaluate what goals you wish to set for 2014. Choose the possibilities which rise from deep within you. If you feel burdened by your selection then you need to go deeper within and  eliminate that which is causing the heaviness.

The best resolution for you may be to engage in healing of what ever the source of the heaviness is. It doesn’t matter how you choose to do this or what method of healing you use. It only matters to do it. And it is significant only to you because you are held in the love of God no matter what your choice is.

Live your life in the freedom of Love. Discover what it truly is you wish to happen in this life of yours. When you are filled with joy and gratitude you will have found what is known as “The Pearl of Great Price.”

The possibilities are endless and you are the one who has the power to make them happen for you. No matter what it is you want there is assistance and guidance for you on both the spiritual and the physical level. You have to take advantage of it.

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Know Where You Stand

During the heat of a political election Amma made a comment. She told us to know where we stand. It didn’t matter where we stood just as long as we stood somewhere and knew where that was.

She was talking about knowing our values, knowing what was important to us, knowing who we are.

There are very few people who don’t care what anyone thinks. Some may say they don’t, but their anger and reactions to others who think differently belie their words. If you truly don’t care what others think then you will be at peace with whatever they think. You might not even notice what they think. You will live your life the way you wish to live it no matter what is happening.

When Amma talks about knowing where you stand, she wants you to be yourself, not to change who you are depending upon the person and the situation. That doesn’t mean you don’t evolve and, perhaps, change your mind. A mature person will change his or her perspective as s/he gathers more wisdom and knowledge.

You can’t change your perspective if you don’t know what that perspective is. What do you believe in? Are you willing to stand up for those beliefs? If so, how?

The conundrum is that how you stand up for your beliefs and how someone else thinks you should do so can be very different. Some people will say you must write letters, sign petitions, protest. Others will tell you to be gentle in your words and actions.

People will tell you what they think you should be doing based upon what they believe about themselves. You get to make your own decision.

Amma only loves. She loves unconditionally. You don’t have to change yourself into someone else for her to keep loving you. Whether you stay true to yourself or follow what someone else says you should do, she’ll still love you.

That’s the way unconditional love is. It’s unconditional.

If you choose to model yourself after Amma you, and I, have a tough task. She is Unconditional Love. She is Love Itself. (Whatever name you give God is Love Itself.)

Speaking for myself… if someone betrays me I have a difficult task before me if I am to model myself after Amma. I am to continue to have unconditional positive regard for that person. My love for them would not change one iota (the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet and the smallest).

Oh my, how do I do that? How do I keep that love for another after s/he hurt me terribly? That is a struggle, isn’t it?

This life is an adventure in discovering how we can be the Love We Are. It is a discovery in learning to forgive and then learning there is nothing to forgive.

It is a discovery in accepting that we have hurt others as much as we have been hurt by others… and growing from that discovery… then forgiving ourselves… then knowing we played our part well in life.

Hurting and being hurt is unavoidable. It what we do after it that is in our control.

If you know you want to model yourself after Unconditional Love, then you form and fashion your thoughts and feelings on that model.

Know where you stand. Just know not everyone will stand in the same place. No matter where they stand, they were made from the same Love as you.